Hover Inc

As a Senior Brand Designer at Hover, I played a key role in a dynamic marketing team, crafting visuals that improved metrics and resonated with our audience. Strategically showcasing our product’s innovative capabilities, the following are just a few examples of the impactful work I contributed to during my tenure.

Sr. Brand Designer: Richard Sanchez

Product launch emails

At Hover, I excelled in creating highly impactful product launch emails.
Here are a couple of exemplary campaigns from a series that played a pivotal
role in driving substantial trial penetration, highlighting the success of my
email strategies.

• 22% trial penetration rate/3 months

Nationwide Insurance deck

I created a compelling presentation for a Nationwide Insurance proposal, which proved to be highly successful. This winning presentation played a crucial role in securing a $5.7 million bid, resulting in a substantial increase in revenue. 

• $5.7M in revenue growth

Paid Advertising

Leveraging creativity as the key driver for enhanced ad performance, I successfully managed diverse ad types across various channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and Google. My work encompassed the creation of tailored images and videos designed to resonate with our target audience. 

• Achieved a noteworthy 30% reduction in CAC

• Shortened the payback period


I designed impactful bi-weekly newsletters during my tenure at Hover. These newsletters, operating independently, contributed significantly to a boost in profits, complementing other growth initiatives.

• Achieved an 11.4% boost in user revenue, yielding $1.04M in profits

Hover landing pages

While at Hover I created and executed responsive, brand-aligned landing pages. While the test is ongoing and exact figures are pending, preliminary feedback indicates a notable increase in conversion rates for various product launches. See some examples below.

Marketing UI elements

In my role at a product-based SaaS company, I often encountered the task of simplifying complex UI screens for use in marketing materials. Below, you’ll find a selection of elements I had to streamline from the product UI to effectively convey our message across various media channels.

Hover apparel

During my tenure at Hover, I had the exciting opportunity to design apparel for a range of marketing needs. One of my favorite designs was for the hat bar featured at the ’23 International Roofing Expo, where I created a series of patches. Additionally, I designed a shirt for a marketing offsite retreat. See native designs to the right.


The brand design team at Hover spearheaded a campaign with the mission to showcase some of our customers. While we utilized multiple avenues, my specific role involved art directing the photography for one of our shoots.

Photography: Sean Murphy

Art Direction: Richard Sanchez

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